Become a Storyteller
Who is eligible to be a storyteller at Voices on the Green?
We welcome all potential storytellers who would make the theme come alive through the originality and diversity of their personal voices. We have had performers from as far away as New Orleans whose stories or expertise were particularly germane or unique to our theme. But because of our community-building mission, our priority is to recruit and develop speakers from our local surrounding communities.
If you think you have a story to tell, send us a note at: [email protected]
We take that development role quite seriously. While we welcome seasoned expert performers, we also welcome first-time storytellers who have a great story to tell (and everyone does). To ensure a high-quality show, we provide significant mentoring and support for all storytellers, but especially for newcomers. In fact, we meet with all performers, both expert and novice, to help prepare their delivery and to optimally connect with the overall theme for the evening.

We highly value diversity among our speakers. The richness and impact of the evening comes not just in the interplay between several kinds of Voices (e.g. music and stories or poems), but in the diversity of the speakers themselves. The same evening has featured a 15-year-old African-American high school junior and a 95 year-old Harvard Kennedy School professor, with lots of energy in between. A generous intermission with free refreshments encourages conversation with the speakers and fellow audience members.
How long can stories be?
All storytellers are limited to 5-7 minutes. The host can talk as long as he wants.